Burst pipes, exploding water heaters, overflowing commodes, the hidden drip of leaky appliance hoses … before you know it, your home’s got water damage, perhaps thousands of dollars of water damage. The key is to find problems before they cause damage; here are some ideas that may help.
Recognize the signs
Much of the trouble that water causes often goes unseen until too late. Use your five senses as you try to find signs of potential trouble, such as:
•musty odors
•rusty stains around light fixtures
•damp, sticky floors
•mildew along ceiling, wall and baseboard edges
•dripping pipes
•condensation on windows and cold surfaces
•mold and mildew growth
If you discover interior water damage, make the repair yourself or hire a qualified repairperson. But do it immediately; don’t put it off.
Use preventive maintenance
When it comes to water damage, prevention is better than intervention. Preventive maintenance is cheaper and easier than repairing or replacing damaged floors, subfloors, walls, appliances and so on. Here are some tips:
Avoid condensation. Use vents and fans to keep air circulating in your bathrooms and your laundry area. Make sure your dryer is vented to the outside. Use storm windows to keep condensation from forming on windows and to help conserve energy.
Repair leaks. Look for and fix leaky faucets and dripping toilets. In cold climates, water flowing down the drain under your home may freeze causing water to back up through the drain lines into your home.
Control humidity. Use a portable dehumidifier that shuts off automatically when the collector pan is full.
Listen and look for any signs of leaks, such as unusual hissing sounds under floors or in walls; stains, dampness or discoloration in hard-to-reach spaces around water heaters, under sinks and behind clothes washers.
Again, if you discover interior water damage, find the source and correct the problem immediately. If you can’t make the repair yourself, hire a qualified repairperson.
Keep your home dry
When it comes to water damage, your energy and your money is best spent on prevention. If you’re not vigilant, water can do thousands of dollars of damage to your home — silently and quickly. Your home is your largest investment; insure it with coverage you can tailor to meet your needs.
Article Courtesy of
Gabe Paola/Farmers Insurance 480-753-5800